Automated Safety Check-ins for Greater Peace of Mind

A key aspect of your duty of care is ensuring that your travelling staff are safe. Many firms want to reach out to employees during their journey to confirm their status. They also need to be able to check their status when an emergency arises. Voyage Manager uses intelligent automation to speed up and streamline safety check-ins, lifting the burden from travel managers.

Advantages of Voyage Manager’s Automated Safety Check-ins

Faster trip approvals

Compliant trips get approved instantly

Increased compliance

All non-compliant trips are flagged. This makes it much harder for staff to circumvent the rules.


Policy changes apply to all future travel requests.

Drawbacks of Traditional Check Calls

Traditional manual check calls are laborious, repetitive and costly. Travel managers spend hours each day working through call sheets while frustrated travellers wait for busy staff to contact them. Both sides must contend with time differences and missed connections. There’s little or no audit trail, and certainly not one available across the organisation.

Intelligent Automation to the Rescue

Voyage Manager does away with manual check calls. Our automated safety check-in system lets travellers confirm their status in several quick, convenient ways:

  • Through a simple tap on our mobile app
  • By sending a text message
  • By clicking a confirmation link in an email
  • Through an automated voice call

Note that our system also supports manual check-ins if you have an internal admin or operations centre. The responses to manual check-ins will be combined with existing data to give a comprehensive view of the status of your travellers.

The system accounts for the local time of the traveller when sending check-in requests so that they are not disturbed in the middle of the night.

User-Friendly Check-ins Increase Compliance

Voyage Manager's safety check-in process is smooth and easy to understand. It saves time for travellers, and turns check-ins into a habit rather than a chore. This shift in perception fosters higher compliance rates. Our automated system also frees travel managers to concentrate on more critical responsibilities.

Voyage Manager Offers Flexible and Responsive Check-ins

Voyage Manager conducts automated daily safety check-ins by default. The frequency and timing of checks can be easily customised, and check-ins can be disabled on particular days. You can also select groups of travellers, and send them check-in requests on demand.

The system will alert the administrator if a traveller fails to respond to a check-in request within the allocated time. Your organisation can then react according to your standard operating procedure. You may wish to issue another check-in request, or try alternate contact methods. Or you may opt to escalate to a higher response level if the situation warrants it. The time limit allowed for a check-in response is set company-wide for all travellers.

Safety Check-ins are an Integral Part of Travel Risk Management

Voyage Manager offers a comprehensive travel risk management solution. It combines travel tracking, real-time risk alerts, pre-travel briefings, and an emergency SOS function.

Choose Voyage Manager for friendly, professional and easy check-ins. Schedule a demo with us today to find out how we can enhance your business travel experience, and improve the peace of mind of your travelling staff.

Customer Love

Don't just believe us, read what some of our customers have to say.

“Having a system in place that we can trust allows us to monitor our crew. Voyage Manager contributed to us building our credibility and reputation as a company.”
Steinar Fjeldbo
Fugro Geoteam
“We want to be the absolute industry leaders by having the system in place to maintain and monitor the safety and security of our staff. Voyage Manager allows us to do that.”
Dominic Milne
University of Aberdeen
“We needed a partner that would stay up to speed with safe global travel, its risk, health and security requirements. Voyage Manager gave us what we needed; it’s making our life easier.”
Debra McCabe

Contact Us Or Book A Demo

We would love to be able to tell you all about Voyage Manager, and answer your questions. Contact us by phone or email to find out more or book a demo. We look forward to working with you.

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