Landing Pages

This page provides a link to the landing pages for Voyage Manager.

Anonymous Travel Tracking

Anonymous travel tracking is tracking travellers without knowing who those travellers are.

Automated Travel Tracking

Automated travel trackers import itineraries from the booking engines or GDSs in the same way as conventional travel trackers do, but that is where the similarities end.

Automated Safety Check-In

From the moment a trip starts, until the trip ends Safety Check-In monitors the travelers safety.

Safety Check Ins And Calls

Safety check-in is the process where a traveller confirms that he or she is OK through a smart phone or computer rather than through a call to a duty phone or operations center.

Tax Implication of Travel

Every country has its own tax residency rules, which can be anything from 60 days to no limit at all. For a large number of countries like to OECD countries the limit is 183 days.

Tax tracking for PAs, CEOs and Execs

As a personal or executive assistant you are likely to be responsible for all aspects of your boss' or team's travel, from planning and booking to security, expenses and tax accounting.

Travel safety for lone works

A lone worker is anybody who works alone without close or direct supervision of his/her employer.

Travel tracking for performs

As a professional you are likely to be spending a significant amount of time in various countries teaching, competing and performing.

Travel tracking for events

From the moment a trip starts, until the trip ends Safety Check-In monitors the travelers safety.

Travel Tracking for international business travellers

International business travellers are employees that travel around the world on behalf of your company.

Travel Tracking for international business travellers

International business travellers are employees that travel around the world on behalf of your company.

Travel Tracking for international business travellers

International business travellers are employees that travel around the world on behalf of your company.

Travel Tracking for relocation companies

As a relocation company, it’s your duty to keep clients in-line with the latest travel regulations.

Travel Tracking for security and assistance companies

Knowledge is power in the security industry – and to know where your clients are and the potential risks affecting them, you need the best travel tracking software on the market.

Travel Tracking for TMCs

Travel Management Companies (TMCs) have a duty of care to keep clients safe. You need the best travel tracking software on the market.