April 14, 2012

Voyage Manager And Omnisense To Improve Safety At Sea

Voyage Manager And Omnisense To Improve Safety At Sea

Travel technology specialist Voyage Manager has teamed up with real time location company Omnisense in a joint venture to provide state of the art solutions for ensuring the safety of passengers and crew at sea.

In this 100th anniversary year of the Titanic, the recent Costa Concordia disaster illustrates that despite the many improvements in maritime safety in the intervening century, avoidable deaths continue to haunt us. In such situations, the speed of the rescue process has proven to be a key determinant of survivability, but this is hampered by a total lack of information about passenger and crew locations, necessitating a slow and painstaking room by room search of the vessel.

With this in mind, Cambridge based Voyage Manager and Omnisense have teamed up to develop the world's most advanced system for locating passengers and crew in real time, aimed at improving response times in the case of an emergency and reducing the chance of fatalities.

The system delivers an easy to use, easy to manage method for tracking the location of people as they move about a ship, one which places no additional demands on its users. This is essential as it's by achieving near-100% usage rates that the value of the system will be maximised in the case of an incident.

“The technology developed through this partnership will not only benefit passenger ships, but also cargo and production vessels, as well as on-shore and off-shore oil installations“ says John Scott, CEO of Voyage Manager.

“Our systems for sensing position and behaviour are uniquely flexible and easy to deploy, providing added assurance in the ability to account for everyone on board in the case of an incident. We are delighted to be working with Voyage Manager. ” says Andy Thurman, CEO of Omnisense.

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