March 29, 2012

Voyage Manager Links In

Voyage Manager Links In

Travellers can now automatically update their LinkedIn profile with their latest Voyage Manager travel status updates.

Voyage Manager has made another significant step in the world of social media with the integration of the VM Travel Tracking Suite with the world’s largest professional network, LinkedIn. The LinkedIn integration can automatically post travellers’ travel status updates, allowing colleagues and contacts to easily follow the progress of their trips. Through automation travellers do not have to perform any extra actions in order for their statuses to be published on LinkedIn, making the process effortless.

Voyage Manager recommends that clients using this feature do so with care, as publishing data on LinkedIn can compromise security. Clients can enable or disable the LinkedIn integration at the company level, and each individual traveller can also choose whether or not to publish their data on the social network. For security reasons the LinkedIn integration is switched off by default, requiring the client to enable the feature.

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